Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Who's Church Hopping?

According to the Sun-Sentinel, "U.S. religion is in a churn," quoting a new study which found nearly half of all adults changing faiths at least once in their lives — usually before the age of 24. "Americans change religious affiliation early and often," says the article quoting a survey, released Monday by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life, called Faith in Flux. The report finds that 44 percent of the population holds a faith different from the one in which they were raised. Many people who change religions do so more than once."My family used to have Chevrolets all their lives; now I drive a Nissan," said Fred Greenspahn, director of religious studies at Florida Atlantic University. "Religion is showing the market economy at work."
No, what the survey may be indicating more than anything else is the inherent dichtomy between professing and possessing true, biblically-based Christian faith. The FAU religious spokesman at least indicated he had a clue, when he qualified that many people who switch religions may not have had strong beliefs in the first place."You'd have to ask about the nature of their commitment, and how much they're really changing. A lot of people think of religion as one thing, just different paths to the same God." That's the difference folks between heaven and hell and light from darkness. As we preach, they're may be as many as four roads to God- but they all run through Christ as the scripture teaches (John 14:6, see http://www.christcomchurch.org/knowing_god for more). The good news in all this is that many more adults are perhaps being regenerated and coming to Christ later in life, and are joining Bible-believing churches as many of us have- particularly those who came from Jewish and Catholic family traditions. I can relate to that.
Are people confused today about the gospel and where they will be going in eternity? Click on to this YouTube film clip from Ray Comfort's Living Waters web-site for a beach interview that well-illustrates the 'buffett' attitude influencing such surveys today (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq-36n_98vA ). Non-Christian religions, too, are showing the effects of a "salad bar approach" to faith, said Nathan Katz of Florida International University. He said many Americans shuttle between Zen centers, yoga classes and Kabbalah studies."We've become mobile and self-centered," said Katz, who directs FIU's Program in the Study of Spirituality.
"[Religion] has become a matter of personal fulfillment, not obligation..." When more of us, our friends and family members come face to face with sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8-11), personal fulfillment will convert to obligation to King Jesus and church and faith hopping will be a thing of the fallen past.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tea Parties and a Rare but True Beauty Queen

Therefore because you trample on the poor and you exact taxes of grain from him, you have built houses of hewn stone, but you shall not dwell in them; you have planted pleasant vineyards, but you shall not drink their wine (Amos 5:11, ESV)
Did you hear about the South Florida Tea Party last week? According to the Sun-Sentinel an amazing 2,500 (amazing for this liberally minded region) citizens joined several thousand others nationally, in protesting our federal government's recent spendfest of bail-out money, proposed tax increases and the New Deal like alphabet soup of social programs to combat the 'Great Recession.' Many today feel like our governments are using the current economic crisis to feed it's addiction to tax and spend.
The police records of major cities are filled with the names of those who commit crimes to feed their drug habits. These felons begin with a mere sampling of the narcotic, but that “recreational” use soon gives way to higher doses as tolerance rises. It takes more and more of the substance to satisfy their hunger, and they even victimize the poor to gain money for their next fix. Heroin or crack cocaine is their likely drug of choice. For the politician, it can be taxes. Certainly the Bible teaches the legitimacy of taxes; unlike heroin, they are not illicit in moderation. But their narcotic effect can drive the government to perversity.
Israel’s Jeroboam II (798-747 B.C.) reigned during a time of prosperity generated by his father Joash. Despite a considerable treasury, Jeroboam pressed for strict enforcement of ever-ascending taxes. The collections financed winter and summer palaces for the king and luxurious conditions for his powerful associates (3:15; 6:4-6). The prophet Samuel warned of this two centuries earlier when the people demanded a monarch—“He [the king] will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants” (1 Sam. 8:14). In Amos’s day, this “taking” had become a “trampling,” even of the poor. Some inner-city churches organize “neighborhood watches” to discourage the predatory practices of drug dealers and their desperate customers. They keep their eyes peeled for those who, for the sake of their own agendas and comfort, dishearten and victimize good people. By extension, many churches could join Amos in his watch for those who, in their spiraling addiction to revenue, bewilder and cripple the populace.
Rare but True -Beauty contestant chooses 'biblically correct' over PC
On Sunday, Miss California Carrie Prejean, 21, was asked in the Miss USA pageant by blogger Perez Hilton, an open homosexual and one of the pageant's judges, about her stance on same-sex marriage. Responding, Prejean said she personally believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country and in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she said. "No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised. I think that it should be between a man and a woman."
Although Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton, won the title, Prejean has made the rounds of television news and talk shows, addressing the controversy that her answer may have cost her the Miss USA crown. Prior to the interview segment of the pageant, Prejean reportedly was the hands-down favorite to win. Wonders never cease in America's free-fall from a grace when a beauty queen contestant of all people, takes a correct and biblical stand for truth, suffering persecution in the process.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Gay Rights Momentum

NY Gov. to Propose Bill Legalizing Gay Marriage
Just when you thought the whole same-sex marriage issue was done away with and settled with our state's Yes amendment and California's Prop. 8 election victories last November, affirming marriage as between one man and one woman (Mega-churchman Rick Warren's confused "purpose" notwithstanding), the last week or so have presented us (biblicists) with the latest wounds from shots and skirmishes in the gay rights battle front of the culture war.
Vermont's legislature became one of the few legislative bodies in the country to approve same-sex marriage and the Iowa Supreme Court just side-stepped the will of the people (as per recent trends) in ruling same-sex bans as unconstiutional, opening the door for gay marriage there (yes- America's heartland). Today, New York Gov. David Paterson is expected to introduce a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in a move that comes nearly a year after Paterson ordered all state agencies to recognize gay marriages performed in other jurisdictions. Despite the lack of votes by Democratic senators needed to pass the measure, Paterson still wants the bill to be debated and to come to a vote. If the legislation is approved by lawmakers, New York would become the fifth state to legalize same-sex marriage.
Paterson said on Tuesday. "I think it is, as other states are showing, the only ethical way to treat people who want to live together in peace under the civil law. So my general feeling about all these issues is the right ethical decision will inevitably be the right political decision." I would ask the good governor, "is it also ethical to let polygamists and pedophiles marry as well, so they can 'live together in peace under the civil law?" Can anyone draw the line today when it comes to morals, values and truth and NOT be branded a bigot? A greater challenge to world-view Christians is how do we find an effective, uncompromising and yet compassionate ministry to gays and lesbians, while taking proper, biblical positions on policies and politics pertaining to homosexual issues?
Why does this matter? Because votes aside, we can't argue homosexuals into biblical perspectives any more than we can argue them into the kingdom. Most attempts to do so will only result in pain, alienation and unecessary impediments to the cause of Christ. Unless confronted directly with direct questions regarding ethics and "gay rights," I suggest that we lovers of the Word and truth, who are commanded to "love God and love people," take the following positions when preaching and relating on the front-line of this battle in the culture war:
- Love and care for the hurting homosexual whom you know (and may work with or have in your family) and remind them that they too, are made in the "image of God," and are worthy of His love, redemption and reconciliation. Tell them they can have a new identity in Christ. they don;t have to go around telling people, "I'm a homosexual, " anymore than we tell people we're hetrosexual. They can say when in Christ, they're born-again, new creations (Jo. 3:3; 2 Cor. 5;17; Ro. 8:1).
- Preach a confession and repentance gospel of all sins, not just homosexuality as the 'road' to God through Christ. Tell them homosexuality is just another in the list of sins the Bible names "fornication (sexual sin)," which according to it's root word, has to do with idolatry (which is why unfaithful Israel was corporately known as an "idolatrous" nation). Sexual sinners love immediate gratification in their bodies and pleasure more than Jehovah God (Pro. 28:13; Ja. 4:8-10) and that's idolatry.
- Preach and teach God's model and best for sexuality. Make no mistake about it, God condemns homosexuality amongst other fornications as sin worthy of judgment (Gen. 18; Lev. 18:22; Ro. 1:27; 1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Tim. 1:8-11). Moreover, Christ and the church and hetrosexual unions among people, are His models and design for marriage (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:18-25). Biology, sociology and common sense affirm this. Otherwise, as Pastor James McDonald says, "If we choose to sin, we chooser to suffer, or when God says, don't- He really means don't hurt yourself."
- Finally, teach them that same-sex marriage and gay rights disrupt the created order and functionality of families, children and societies, which is precisely why governments of all sorts and for all times have opposed gay rights in civilized societies, up until only the later half of the 20th century. If divorce is dysfunctional and harmful to children (from instability to mixed mesages of gender roles) and the future of a given society, what further damage would occur if same-sex marrriage were legalized and normative?
At the end of the day however, remember it is your visible love, prayers and the grace and sovereign will and power of God that will change the heart of a homosexual and the culture of America - one saved sinner at a time, not Focus On the Family and not any particular politician.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pilgrims in a Strange Land

I don't know about you, but I'm still adjusting to this new life as a stranger and pilgrim as a Christian with a biblical world-view in the U.S. How about you? We now live in a western-American world where "Christians" are dating the church, attempting to custom make their own house of worship, attending when it feels right, our own government and media are telling the church to shut up and leave well enough alone when it comes to little things like sin, life, death, marriage and liberty.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is now hearing arguments as you read this blog against President Obama’s intention to rescind the “conscience clause” regulation that former President Bush put into place weeks before leaving office. The clause aims to protect the rights of health-care workers to refuse to provide care they find morally objectionable — especially abortion and the morning-after pill. It also stops federal funding to medical facilities that do not accommodate their workers’ convictions. Welcome to the new wave of American persecution to hit pro-lifers and the church in 2009. A biblical conscience could conceivably lead to criminal charges today.
David Stevens, president of the Christian Medical Association, warned in a Washington news conference: “In some states, pharmacists must dispense certain medications or lose their licenses. . . . Students are denied admission to medical schools or residency programs because they are not in favor of abortion. Doctors and nurses are losing their job or a promotion because of their beliefs.” Stevens also warned of the many Catholic-affiliated hospitals in the U.S. that may close their facilities all together rather than follow government regulations on abortion and contraception. He noted that 23 percent of his association’s members already report facing discrimination because of their beliefs.
What's our response? Protest and petitions? Not if our lifestyle and faith makes little difference to those we disagree with. The church is a body of believers that is rather dysfunctional today. According to a pastor of a large church in Kentucky, "Faith is relevant for many people, but church is not. People want to attend to the spiritual side of their lives, they are interested in God, but their experience of church has not been relevant. They say, 'Why do I have to sit through boring sermons and old music that don't speak to my real needs and problems?" A better question might be, "when did we get the idea that church is about us and meeting our felt-needs?"
According to the pastor quoted in a survey of Christians in Leadership magazine, "These days, people can get good teaching, wonderful music, and excellent writing, whether through iPods, TV, or online. They learn to shop around and pick and choose. Then they expect the same high quality in their local church. A generation ago, the average person learned to accept his home pastor and was faithful to his local church. But now, people's appetites for excellence have been heightened." Consumer church is not God's plan brothers and sisters.
God has a beautiful plan for His church- the bride of His Son Jesus. If you're in Christ, you're part of His plan and it's not too late for us to make a difference in America. When we resist that plan and relationship with His church, everyone gets cheated out of God's best.
* We cheat ourselves
* We cheat our community
* We cheat our world.
This week we'll begin a new series on The Body, taking a fresh look at ourselves- the church, it's vision, our mission and role in the world as we prepare to rejoin God in His plan for the world. Come, be prepared and America- beware.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Passover and Purpose-Driven Compromise
A Ft. Lauderdale Jewish woman recently asked, "How many things happen only once in 28 years?" Referring to the tradition of Birkat Hachamah, she said. "This moment is set aside to thank God for the sun. It makes you stop and think about how creation was such a miraculous event. We don't take the time to stop and think about it." Wouldn't it be nice if this woman on the eve of Passover and Resurrection Sunday weekend took time to thank, bless and worship the real SON- S-o-n, the risen and coming again Messiah Jesus Christ?
According to the Sun-Sentinel report, This "blessing" of the sun last occured in 1981 and is recited only when, according to rabbinical scholars, the sun returns to the same position in the sky on the same day of the week at the same hour as when it was first created. It takes 28 years for that to happen. This time it was just a coincidence that it fell on the eve of Passover. In strict Jewish law, it is forbidden to enjoy anything without reciting a blessing. It's part of the Birkat Hachamah tradition to say the blessing outside, where they can see the sun. Rabbi Yitzchok Naparstek said the ritual is not sun worship — a big issue in the ancient world, with its many pagan religions. Because of "everything the sun gives to us, we want to thank God for it," he said.
How ironic is it that the biggest blessing to God's chosen nation of Israel was the missed deliverance of it's Savior and Messiah- Yeshua (Jesus), 2,000 years ago? We thank God, that as per Romans 10-11, we know completed or fulfilled Jews that have been granted eyes to see and ears to hear truth and that many more will thank and worship the SON upon His return.
In the meanwhile, we observe and can even celebrate with our Jewish friends today, the precursor to Good Friday and the great gospel news of the cross- Passover, beginning this evening through tomorrow. Jews around the world will observe Passover with a meal called the Seder, which is a family gathering where they retell the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt after four centuries of slavery, as recorded in the book of Exodus, Chapters 1 to 15. The Seder table is decorated with reminders of the Jewish plight in Egypt, including parsley dipped in salt water, symbolizing the tears shed during slavery, and charoset, a mixture of apples, nuts, cinnamon and wine, symbolic of the mortar slaves used to bind bricks. Join us for our special Seder and Lord's Supper observance Friday night with Dr. Gary Cohen at the Pavilion, for a unique and enriching family experience of the heart and soul of Passover and it's symbolism of the coming Christ (see "Capturing Thoughts" for details).
Purpose-Driven Compromise?
Much has been made of the Newsweek story this week -proclaiming, "The End of Christian America" and President Obama's comment in Turkey that "we are no longer a Christian nation." If indeed we are losing the savor of born-again salt in our nation, we have only ourselves and even the leadership of the American church to blame. This week Mega-church Pastor and author Rick Warren, back-tracked on his election season committment to support Prop. 8, the amendment banning same-sex marriage in California.
On Monday, Warren on 'Larry King Live,' stressed that he is neither anti-gay nor an anti-gay marriage activist and had never campaigned for Proposition 8. And more importantly, the issue of homosexuality is not even on his agenda, he said as he declined to comment on the recent Iowa Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. While still affirming traditional marriage, Warren told CNN's King that his agenda consists of two things: "Rwanda and the spiritual climate of the nation in the midst of a recession." While thse two issues may hold international interest, are not our pulpiteers and pastors to hold to biblical truth and standards no matter how unpopular they may be? Particularly on an issue as critical to the institution of family as marriage?
Perhaps we shouldn't be so surprised, considering that when asked what church he would recommend Obamna attend, Warren said "I have a lot of pastor friends of all different styles. You tell me the style you want and I'll tell you a good church in Washington, D.C." Style? Is church nothing more than a salad bar or buffet, in which one chooses a community or family primarily based on felt-needs, style or preferences?
Joshua Harris is right when he exhorts believers in his book to "Stop Dating the Church, and to Fall in Love with the Family of God." We need to find a church that glorifies God, exalts Christ, is saturated with the Word in leadership, practice and preaching, and is Spirit-filled. Then we make church the priority it should be in our lives as it's bridegroom has.
As Harris quoted theologian John Stott, "If the church is central to God's purpose as seen in history and the gospel, it must surely be central to our lives. How can we take lightly what God takes so seriously? How dare we push to the circumference what God has placed at the center?"
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Family Beats Filth in Hollywood?

The long held-assertion and standard rationale from Hollywood explaining the reason why we have so much filth on TV and film has always been green- not the environmental kind, but the economic kind- cash is what's king. We have garbage because the public demands it and conventional wisdom has generally held that the content of media merely reflects the culture.
However, once again, Movieguide Magazine’s Annual Report to the Entertainment Industry shows that moviegoers prefer movies with no explicit sex, nudity and foul language. This was especially clear in 2008. According to Dr. Ted Baehr, "Movies with no foul language, sex and nudity averaged significantly more money at the theatrical box office in America and Canada than movies with some or a lot of such vulgarity, sex or nudity."
Movieguide’s analysis of the top movies released lat year also showed that moviegoers rejected movies with extreme forms of substance abuse. Movieguide also measured miscellaneous amounts of immorality, such as lying, stealing, blackmail, extortion, greed, envy, jealousy. Movies with no miscellaneous immorality made nearly six times more money than movies with extensive or extreme amounts of miscellaneous immorality. So what's going on? If film executives are only interested in making money at the box-office, particularly in lean economic times, why not stick to a steady diet of "G" rated family-oriented films?
Maybe the late and great philosopher and cultural observer Marshall McLuhan was right when he said "the medium is the message." According to Movieguide, movies with no sexual content compared to average box office in 2008 grossed nearly $43,000,000 with no sexual content as opposed to about $15,000,000 for films containing graphic adultery, promiscuity, sexual perversion, or sexual immorality. The same ratios held true for films chock full of violence, foul-language and alcohol abuse, compared with those without.
The point? Don't let Hollywood fool you. As decadent and lost as America is today, she still prefers Chevys, mom and apple-pie in the theater over blood and guts and smut. However, don't think that reality will lead to a new flood of decent big screen product that will later appear on your DVD player or PC screen. The "prince of the power and of the air, has his own agenda and is quite influential among media elites. So while your wallets may make some minimal impact in Hollywood, your own discernment in movie choices will have greater influence on your hearts and minds and those of your children, than expectation of some great media revival. We need to be the ones setting examples and shedding much needed salt and light from the kingdom of heaven to the kingdom of darkness literally, for Christ's sake.
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