A new study has found the British are the most promiscuous western nation
A place where issues, questions and controversies of the day are filtered through a biblical lense or worldview... "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," - 2 Cor. 10:5 -
Sound-Word! Speaking of the family, join me tomorrow, Friday, September 4 @ 2:30 PM for the first of a special two-part interview with Dr. Bob Barnes, author, national conference speaker and President of Sheridan Family House Ministries on the state of today's family on WMCU1080-AM Christian radio. This special episode of Sound-Word will be repeated this Sunday, August 30, at 11:30 AM.
Sound-Word co-hosted by Pastor Bernie Diaz, is 30 of the fatest and most provocative minutes of biblical, world-view talk radio taking place today on all things in the kingdom of Christ. To listen live and on-line, click or go to http://www.1080wmcu.com/ or tune into the new WMCU1080 -AM in South Florida.
BTW: Christ Community Church under the preaching and leadership of Pastor Bernie Diaz, gathers for worship every Sunday at 9:00AM, at Pines Baptist Church on the SW corner of Palm Ave and Johnson St. just north of Pines Blvd. in Pembroke Pines. For more information on our ministry, go to the web-site at http://www.christcomchurch.org/
1 comment:
“and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32
What are they thinking?
• 65% say “waiting to have sex” is a nice idea – but nobody does
• 22% say having “oral sex” is not “sex”
(4% say intercourse isn’t sex)
• 1 in 4 say O.K. for 15-16 year olds to have “oral sex”
• 1 in 2 say O.K for 17-18 year olds to have “oral sex”
• 3 million teens contract an STD each year
• 4 in 10 girls become pregnant at least once by age 20
• 27% of 13-16 years olds are sexually active (beyond kissing)
• over 50% of high school seniors have had sexual intercourse
• every day over 8,000 teens become sexually active
• average age for boys’ first pornographic encounter on the internet is 11
A dedicated, sacrificial love. A love that spends time and effort knowing your child. A love that makes very tough choices for your child when he or she is not willing to do it. A love that comes armed with the reasoned facts, not just "Because I said so" and "Don't ask questions." A love that is willing to negotiate on the negotiables and unwilling to negotiate on the non-negotiables.
you are the parent first and a friend second!
As a parent, you have a lot to keep track of. Transporting your child to practices and games, club meetings and music events, knowing friends' names and dealing with the emotional trials of parenting can all be overwhelming. But you can't rest when it comes to the area of your teenager's sexuality.
Your child is facing a world filled with lies—deadly lies! Our goal is to identify those lies, reveal their deceptions and expose it to God's truth that saves and heals. As you read, you may become alarmed. The mental, emotional and psychological consequences of sex outside of God's design are just as dangerous and prevalent as the physical consequences.
On the other hand, don't become so alarmed that you become paralyzed. Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18), and your commitment to love your child includes a courageous response to these vicious lies. You, the parent, have the responsibility to be the primary sex educator of your child. Don't let anyone else do it for you—not the government, the school system, or the media but let the word of God be the Instructor in your home and in your child!
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