He owes some of his victory to a growing number of young, white, evangelical, liberal and social -gospel oriented voters, who according to articles in Time and Newsweek grew tired of their parent's politics- notably their views on homosexual marriage and abortion. It is alleged that this new breed of Christian is more concerned with being green, AIDS and war in Africa and dollars and cents than for unborn babies, still being killed at a clip of more than 1 million per year here legally. This is precisely why less and less attention is being given to the pro-life cause, as evidenced by the lack of attention paid to Sanctity of Life Day, which passed this last weekend, marking the 36th anniversay of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision from left-field that condemned well over 45 million unborn children to death in this past generation.
While I welcome our first black president to the White House ( a long overdue achievement), I grieve for the future of millions of the unborn and the fate that awaits themm as this president prepares to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would abolish all restrictions and limitations on women in the United States to have an abortion prior to fetal viability, whether at the state or federal level. Obama has been quoted as saying that this would be one of his first initiatives as president, which would not be surprising since he has also been known for his opposition to the Supreme Court ruling to uphold the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.
Obama's election is truly historic and should he come to realize as a professing Christian, the evil of abortion and it's parallels of discrimination and injustice to slavery, he could actually emulate Esther, a historic leader of biblical proportions "for a time such as this," should he be led to actually make abortion more difficult, if not to abolish it, as that other great American evil eventually was. Remember there was a time not too long ago in this country where the highest court in the land, influenced by many, also thought that some people were inferior to others and were not deserving of equal protection. If the pro-choice position is the right one, abortion is a civil right, if the pro-life position is, then abortion is a holocaust, has been, and we lose more casualties every day to it, than all the lives lost here on 9-11. Pray for your President to capture a biblical vision of life and seize the opportunity to be historic in more ways than one.
Terorrists are NOT playing with a full-deck... for those of you who holding on to a misguided notion that the U.S., Israel or any other democratic nation can negotiate with terrorists for peace (as Spain learned the hard way), consider the mind and deathwish of enemies such as Hamas, who after continually firing rockets into Israeli territories, instigating counter attacks from Israel that resulted in the deaths of over 1,300 Palestinians and loss of land to Israel, actually proclaimed with a sign in carefully scripted Hebrew reading, "The resistance will be victorious, Israel has been defeated." That reminds me of the hillarious scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail, where a knight who had lost all his limbs in battle with another said, "allright, we'll call it a draw." Hello? Folks, these people are a few sandwiches shy of a picnic - the lights are on and nobody's home. Pray that our President will realize who he is dealing with and lead accordingly.
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