And it shall be: As with the people, so with the priest; As with the servant, so with his master; As with the maid, so with her mistress; As with the buyer, so with the seller; As with the lender, so with the borrower; As with the creditor, so with the debtor (Isa. 24:2, NKJV).
According to a new poll, President Barack Obama’s popularity overwhelms even that of Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa. This recent Harris Poll, shows Obama as the person Americans named as their number one hero.
American adults (age 18 and over) spontaneously named President Obama as the person they admire enough to call their hero in the poll that did not provide a list for respondents to choose from. What was truly fascinating where the multiple reasons given by respondents for their choice of heroes, including: doing what’s right regardless of personal consequences (89 percent); not giving up until the goal is accomplished (83 percent); doing more than what other people expect of them (82 percent); overcoming adversity (81 percent); and staying level-headed in a crisis (81 percent).
Unfortunately, only 14 percent of Americans said they admire either their mother or father enough to call them their hero. In contrast, nearly half (49 percent) said a public figure is someone they admire and consider a personal hero. This poll illustrates much of what ails our nation today. The only major surprise I found in it, if it truly reflects the attitudes of this largely post-Christian and secularized country, is that the Lord Jesus rated so high- particularly, when so many rappers and celebrity athletes and "entertainers", could have surpassed him.
What was particularly fascinating to me, is our newly inaugurated president's position atop the poll, considering that a hero by definition is to be a courageous person of valor, who has sacrificed and accomplished something great and unique- while as per the poll's own qualifications, remaining level-headed and stead-fast in adversity. I wonder just what has President Obama courageously accomplished in his first 45 days or so of office? Oh I've got it- if we consider Obama pushing forth and signing another $1 trillion government spending bill to bail out a nation and economy- drunk and hung-over from borrowing and lending money it never had, with more money that the government doesn't have, to be an act of courage, then we have our hero.
And here I thought the "borrower was servant to the lender" (Pro. 22:7). BTW, who's your hero and why?
1 comment:
I looked up the meaning of hero and this is what it says:
1. Remarkably brave person
2. Man with superhuman powers
3. Conqueror
4. Champion
There is NO ONE on this earth that has these characteristics! Christ was the remarkably brave person that died a horrible death on the cross for me. I surely didn't deserve it. Christ was the one healing, providing,and casting out demons with His superhuman powers. Christ is the one who conquered the villain (Satan) and is the ultimate champion. That's my hero!
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