Thursday, December 4, 2008

Casual Sex Around the World

Britain on top in casual sex league
A new study has found the British are the most promiscuous western nation

We're number three! In an international index measuring one-night stands, total numbers of partners and attitudes to casual sex, Britain comes out ahead of Australia, the US, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany.

The researchers behind the study say high scores such as Britain’s may be linked to the way society is increasingly willing to accept sexual promiscuity among women as well as men. They also believe that, among certain age groups and at certain times, men and women are equally liberal. What the study fails to note, is the obvious link of the decline of the biblical, evangelical church (of which only 10% exists in the UK) in western europe and it's subsequent influence on the cultures there.

The researchers say that cultural developments have meant women are now as able to engage in no-strings sex as men. “Historically we have repressed women’s short-term mating and there are all sorts of double standards out there where men’s short-term mating was sort of acceptable but women’s wasn’t,” said David Schmitt, a professor of psychology at Bradley University, Illinois, who oversaw the research. Ah feminism, another sinful construct of Satan in society.

Interestingly enough, some will actually ask me, knowing I'm a pastor mind you, what God thinks about casual sex, as if that issue might be a bit vague or mysterious biblically, and that there might be an out, execption, or double-secret dispensation somehow for fornication and/or pre-marital sex. As Paul spoke of purity and bodily fidelity in his first letter to the Corinthians, he alluded to our bodies no longer belonging to us, but to God, serving as a temple for His Spirit (1 Cor. 6:18-20) to reside in. Therefore, to set a record straight that should not need to be set straight, the Christian who practices premeditated fornication (sexual sin- adultry or pre-marital), is joined in prostitution to another (6:16). That's never a good idea in God's economy- that's serious sin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32

What are they thinking?
• 65% say “waiting to have sex” is a nice idea – but nobody does
• 22% say having “oral sex” is not “sex”
(4% say intercourse isn’t sex)
• 1 in 4 say O.K. for 15-16 year olds to have “oral sex”
• 1 in 2 say O.K for 17-18 year olds to have “oral sex”

• 3 million teens contract an STD each year
• 4 in 10 girls become pregnant at least once by age 20
• 27% of 13-16 years olds are sexually active (beyond kissing)
• over 50% of high school seniors have had sexual intercourse
• every day over 8,000 teens become sexually active
• average age for boys’ first pornographic encounter on the internet is 11

A dedicated, sacrificial love. A love that spends time and effort knowing your child. A love that makes very tough choices for your child when he or she is not willing to do it. A love that comes armed with the reasoned facts, not just "Because I said so" and "Don't ask questions." A love that is willing to negotiate on the negotiables and unwilling to negotiate on the non-negotiables.

you are the parent first and a friend second!

As a parent, you have a lot to keep track of. Transporting your child to practices and games, club meetings and music events, knowing friends' names and dealing with the emotional trials of parenting can all be overwhelming. But you can't rest when it comes to the area of your teenager's sexuality.
Your child is facing a world filled with lies—deadly lies! Our goal is to identify those lies, reveal their deceptions and expose it to God's truth that saves and heals. As you read, you may become alarmed. The mental, emotional and psychological consequences of sex outside of God's design are just as dangerous and prevalent as the physical consequences.

On the other hand, don't become so alarmed that you become paralyzed. Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18), and your commitment to love your child includes a courageous response to these vicious lies. You, the parent, have the responsibility to be the primary sex educator of your child. Don't let anyone else do it for you—not the government, the school system, or the media but let the word of God be the Instructor in your home and in your child!